We have been given many evil and
powerful gifts as a result of our deal with Kirgi. They range from killing, to
protecting ourselves, to having fun with our opponents, as a cat does to its
prey. Our spells are based off of the subskills of occult.spells, cursing,
summoning, enchanting and charming. We also have spells in the area of
general.perception, but those are in the process of being phased out in favor
of more occult based spells.
View info on our spells in the area
"As agreed,
you shal gain the biting tongue of Hell. Your words shall carry the power to
harm and cripple your foes."
Spell Name: Dark
Skill Used: occult.spells.cursing
Cost: 250
Spell Type: special
Spell Usage: cast dark toxin
Cursing Level: ?
Description: In
casting this spell, you infect your target with a poison aided by your
knowledge in occult.spells.cursing. The poison will have no effect of its own,
but when combined with any other damage to its host it adds an even greater
harm. Subsequent castings of the toxin increase both the length and the
strength of the poison but are not as effective as the initial
Phidauex's Opinion: This spell does not work very
well right now. It is being worked on.
Spell Name: Ghostly Terror
Used: occult.spells.cursing
GP Cost:
Spell Type: attack (targetted)
Usage: cast ghostly terror [target]
Cursing Level:
Description: This spell allows you to call for a ghost to
return to this world and attack your foe. The strength of the ghost and the
fire it sends forth is based solely on your ability to add to its casting with
your skill in occult.spells.cursing.
Phidauex's Opinion: An
expensive, but powerful attack spell.
"You requested aid from the hoards of hell. This is a list of many
slaves, and minions who will do whatever is asked of them."
Name: Summon Devil
Skill Used:
GP Cost: 100
Type: summoning (targetted)
Spell Usage: cast summon
devil [target]
Summoning Level:
Description: This spell allows you to use your powers in
occult.spells.summoning to call a devil of the abyss to aid you in your
battles. The chance of the summoning being successful is based on your skill
and evil tendancies, while the strenght of the devil is based solely on your
Phidauex's Opinion: Like the old 'summon servant' this
is useful at lower levels, but not much beyond that.
Name: Shadow Cloak
Skill Used:
GP Cost: 150
Type: defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage: cast shadow
cloak [target]
Summoning Level:
Description: The dark magics of this ancient spell allow
you to form a billowing cloak of shadows about you. The cloak gives you some
protection from normal attacks and also bestows an increase in
Phidauex's Opinion: This is one of our better
defensive spells. You can only cast it on yourself, but it gives decent
'armour' type protection, basic protection from various attacks. But the great
part comes in its bonus to your Dexterity. It will give you +1 to your
Dexterity for every 100 overall levels you are. So when you max, at around
level 400, you will be getting +4 to your Dexterity, all the time, meaning you
can achieve the overall stat ceiling of 21 with ease.
Name: Vermin Horde
Skill Used:
GP Cost: 300
Type: attack (area)
Spell Usage: cast vermin horde
Summoning Level: ?
Using your knowledge of the occult and the aid of Kirgi himself, you are able
to summon a horde of Kirgi's rats to attack your foe. The number of rats you
summon is based upon your skill in occult.methods.chanting while the strength
of their attack is dependant on your occult.spells.summoning skill.
Phidauex's Opinion: A good xping spell, though you require
some o.m.chanting before you can use it.
Spell Name:
Dimensional Tentacles
Skill Used:
GP Cost: 350
Type: miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage: cast
dimensional tentacles [target]
Summoning Level:
Description: This spell will causes a mass of tentacles
from an inter-dimensional beast to cover the target, immobilizing them. The
victim's defensive ability is also reduced. The tentacles will return to the
demonic void after some time.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is a
very versatile spell. It doesn't start combat, and it effectivly holds a
target in a room for a good 15-20 seconds, at higher levels of summoning. I
use it as part of nearly all of my aliases for killing hard npc's, and
players, because it stops them from following you if you have to run, it
lowers their defense, and it gives other people you are with a chance to knock
them off, if you can't finish the job.
Spell Name:
Charm Shadow
Skill Used: occult.spells.charming
Cost: 500
Spell Type: summoning
Spell Usage: cast chaotic shadow
Summoning Level: ?
Your understanding of multi-dimensional existance allows you to search another
plane and bring forth a shadow of a target in this dimension. The
transformation of worlds makes the shadow not as powerful as its match in this
world and the disorientation of a new plane makes it attack its alter-ego.
Phidauex's Opinion: This lets you charm the shadow of a
being, then you can have it protect you, follow you, attack things, etc. Very
useful on more difficult NPCs.
Spell Name: Dance of
Skill Used: occult.spells.summoning
Cost: 300
Spell Type: defensive
Usage: cast dance of death
Charming Level:
Description: This command allows you to call on the dead to
lead you their knowledge in the dance of death to subvert any attempt to harm
you. With your occultic skills of summoning and dancing along with your
ability to dodge and your use of stealth through the shadows, the dead will
guide you through danger and harm unscathed.
Dispel syntax: dispel dance or
dispel dance of death
Phidauex's Opinion: This is an
excellent defensive spell. The souls act like images, taking hits for you, but
they also can guide you (a procedure that doesn't result in losing a soul) and
allow you to dance or dodge out of the way of the
requested the powers of darkness be yours. Well here they are. Feel free to
use, and abuse, them for your wicked needs."
Spell Name:
Night eyes
Skill Used: occult.spells.enchanting
Cost: 30
Spell Type: miscellaneous
Usage: cast night eyes
Enchanting Level:
Description: With this spell you request the aid of Kirgi,
the god of the Shadowthieves, to grant you the ability to see with the eyes of
creatures of the night.
Phidauex's Opinion: Better than your
average 'light' spell. Doesn't reveal your presence while sneaking or
Spell Name: Abysmal Field
Used: occult.spells.enchanting
GP Cost:
Spell Type: defensive (targetted)
Usage: cast abysmal field [target]
Enchanting Level:
Description: This spell summons a field of abysmal energy
to protect the recipient from teleport spells. Once the spell is cast it can
be cast again only after 1 hour has elapsed since the spell wore off. The
duration of the spells depends directly upon your skill in
Phidauex's Opinion: I have an alias
set up, that will cast this on me, and I hit it if I get caught by a Wizard,
or a Sorcerer, or someone who has Teleport, then, I can make a clean get-a-way
without them being able to TP to me and kill me. Its saved my life several
times. Sure it doesn't last long, but its long enough to zoom back to the
safety of the guild.
Spell Name: Chaos
Skill Used: occult.spells.enchanting
Cost: 500
Spell Type: defensive
Spell Usage: cast chaos screen
Enchanting Level: 150
This spell melds the powers of chaos into a screen of protection, deflecting
damage from that which it surrounds. The strength of the screen depends on the
enchanting skill of the caster and is more effective when cast on one whose
tendencies are of chaos and darkness. The life of the screen increases with
the skill of the caster's chanting.
Phidauex's Opinion: This
is a fairly new replacement for another shield spell we used to have. At
current, the spell operates off of a combination of your o.s.summoning skill,
o.s.enchanting skill, your intelligence, and your alignment. When both
summoning and enchanting are above 300, your intelligence is close to 21, and
your alignment is Evil Incarnate you will most likely get the shield to absorb
about 50% of the damage, the average user will get about a 20-30%
Spell Name: Create Undead
Used: occult.spells.enchanting
GP Cost:
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targetted)
Usage: cast create undead [target]
Enchanting Level:
Description: This spell allows you to animate a corpse to
become your mindless servant.
Phidauex's Opinion: Like the
summon servant spells, this has little usefulness to a constantly hiding and
sneaking Shadowthief. The only thing that makes this more interesting, is that
it can be amusing to animate your enemies bodies, and in combination with
Control Undead, you can send your little zombie out to do dangerous errands,
like fight dragons, or set off traps. Can be a source of some amusement, if
not practical usage.
"As agreed
you shall have the power to bring the fear of Hell to your foes, and also I
grant you the ability to control the fallen sinner's soul."
Name: Detect Alignment
Skill Used:
GP Cost: 20
Type: miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage: cast
detect alignment [target]
Charming Level:
Description: This spell allows the caster to call upon
their deity to reveal the alignment of a player or npc.
Opinion: A spell that has occasional use for newbies to reveal what
sorts of enemies to kill to keep your alignment as evil as possible. Besides
that, you won't use it very often.
Spell Name: Soul
Skill Used: occult.spells.charming
Cost: 300
Spell Type: defensive
Spell Usage: cast soul bind
Charming Level: ?
Description: This
basic defensive spell allows you to charm a soul to bind itself to you and
give you a barrier from harm. The strength of the soul and its bind to you are
dependent on your skill in occult.spells.charming.
Opinion: A useful 'armour type' defensive spell, keep it casted at all
Spell Name: Control Undead
Used: occult.spells.charming
GP Cost:
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targetted)
Usage: cast control undead [target]
Charming Level:
Description: This spell allows the caster to issue
commands to any undead creature. A Talisman is created for you to command the
creature and can be used anytime, as long as the creature is
Type: mcommand, to invoke the
talisman's magic.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is a humourous
little addition to the Create Undead spell, that lets you send undead
companions off to protect your friends, or to stir up mischief. It has no
practical usage, as far as I can tell, but it is disconcerting when your
little remote control Skeleton wanderers about the city, trying to kill
Spell Name: Scare
Used: occult.spells.charming
GP Cost:
Spell Type: attack (targetted)
Usage: cast scare [target]
Charming Level:
Description: This spell allows you to call upon the
powers of evil to cause your target to flee the scene. If the victim is
powerful enough it may be able to resist.
Phidauex's Opinion:
Another spell, useful mostly for humor, rather than practical purpose, though
it can be useful to split powerful enemies up, so you can tackle them one at a
time. Though, this spell does start combat, so even if they leave, they will
attack you when you enter their room.
Spell Name:
Skill Used: occult.spells.charming
Cost: 350
Spell Type: attack
Spell Usage: cast paranoia
Charming Level: 160
This spell allows you to call upon the Gods of Darkness and Evil to create
paranoia within the hearts of your foes. They will not know who to trust!
Everyone is their enemy! The target of this spell will attempt to attack all
within its sight.
Phidauex's Opinion: This spell is great,
both for amusement, and practical usage. You do have to overmax charming a bit
to get it, but if you max occult correctly, this shouldn't be a problem. With
this spell, you DO come unhidden, but the target doesn't attack you. Try
casting this on a bunch of hard npcs in a room, and watch the carnage! Try
casting it on a bunch of trigger happy elves, and watch the fireworks fly! But
you better run, 'cause once they've worked out their own problems, they'll be
coming after you. Also, this spell will not cause monsters to attack newbies,
so you can't use it to kill people under level